1:05 am, November 30, 2014
Hello everyone,
I started playing quite recently, and so far I'm really enjoying the game. For my whole time in LotRO there was nothing I longed to see more than the plains of Rohan, and since I fi [..]
1:05 am, November 7, 2014
If you have more than one of a same type of class essence (in an essence armour) that has a % chance to proc an effect, does having more than one of those essences give you an additional chance to pr [..]
1:05 am, October 29, 2014
So, I have been playing lotro for a while now on a few different servers (I an currently settled on Brandywine) and I have decided that I want to make my 5th and final toon on this server.
I current [..]
12:05 pm, October 16, 2014
I am opening at least 12 armoury boxes and only have 3 armoury tokens for my trouble. Is there some issue that makes the armoury tokens my tank needs to get essences not dropping from these boxes? I [..]
2:05 am, October 9, 2014
Hey all. Ok so I logged in yesterday after more than two years away and I was pretty overwhelmed with all the changes. I'm a level 70 champ and apparently I'm still in Dunland. I have all the (I b [..]
2:05 am, September 21, 2014
Looking at the AH on Eldar I'm not the only one with this problem so how do you get Physical Mastery or Morale essences?
Much as I'd be happy to make fun of LOTRO's infamous RNG I'm actually curious [..]
2:05 am, August 20, 2014
i cannot find a single piece of armour for a Warden with tank stats can we have barter medium armour gear or a warden tank set with not only dps bonus and main stats ? on level 100
so with Vit [..]
12:05 pm, August 4, 2014
I'm a level 75 hunter, and the max damage I have ever inflicted was about 7000. However I saw a level 100 champ fighting a training dummy for over 10 000 each hit. What is the highest damage you have [..]
2:05 am, August 4, 2014
I don't understand it- how can everyone get their socketed armours all ready with essences so quickly?
I don't think it's worth it to invest in purple socketed army with only 3 slots- so how do I get [..]
12:05 pm, August 2, 2014
Hey guys, since I can't post in any other section I was wondering if you could help me explain the lore and history to do with this armour as I can't seem to turn anything up.
2:05 am, July 28, 2014
Time to fix Hunter class, it's a dps class not support. Fix T2 Instances....Iorbars peak and Warg-pens (lvl100).. 96% chance to die with a guardian, hunter or Rk and minstrel. Many of my friends will [..]
12:05 pm, July 21, 2014
I wanted to talk about the new essence-system which I do like in its general setting. But it has quite a few problems. Things that may not have been thought through well enough or rather seem unf [..]
12:05 pm, July 19, 2014
I've loved discovering the new areas.. and Ive loved the new quests to get there.. the gfx are amazing! WOW at Dol Amroth (lots of stars and rewards to those who designed and implemented it.. LOTRO [..]