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What is a reasonable explanation? Farming 24/7

1:05 am, October 30, 2014 Hi! Running the current festival to some extent (read: frantically:D) I have seen the same character farming in the same spot and in the same manner (plant one, harvest one - the slowest possible met [..] View

Any improvement on Emerald Shard drop rate?

2:05 am, August 2, 2014 Just wondering if any of you have noticed any improvement in the drop rate of Emerald Shards since the most recent patch. I recall the rate was painfully slow, but have the developers made any improv [..] View

Best way to get t9 relics

2:05 am, July 12, 2014 I've search the forums but have come up empty. I know the best way to get shards is to buy t2 and get them to t4 before refining, but what the best method for t9s? View


Any improvement on Emerald Shard drop rate?

Nov 29, 2014, 5:04 am Just wondering if any of you have noticed any improvement in the drop rate of Emerald Shards since the most recent patch. I recall the rate was painfully slow, but have the developers made any improv[..] View

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