11:05 am, October 31, 2014
I lost some Mithril Coins to at bug or something about the silver hobbit gift being "free"
I logged in for the first time in a couple of days to collect my hobbit gifts. After opening the [..]
2:05 am, September 21, 2014
Looking at the AH on Eldar I'm not the only one with this problem so how do you get Physical Mastery or Morale essences?
Much as I'd be happy to make fun of LOTRO's infamous RNG I'm actually curious [..]
2:05 am, August 24, 2014
Just as the title says, but how do I get them? I have a bunch of silver tokens but no golden ones, which I need for the level 100 armor.
12:05 pm, August 10, 2014
Has the drop rate of Silver Tokens of Dol Amroth changed? I've noticed that I haven't been getting nearly as many the last few days as I had been previously. And the rate of quest turn-ins to unloc [..]
2:05 am, July 19, 2014
Once you have done all the quests and reach 100 are there any dailes that give Amroth Silver Pieces
I can only find the fishing quest in the quay and of course the warbands, is that all ?